Saturday 8 June 2013

True Modern Hero Suffers for Truth of Faith

BRUSSELS, April 23, 2013 ( – In an astonishing display of gentleness in the face of a vile attack, the head of the Catholic Church in Belgium, Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, remained calmly seated with eyes closed in prayer Tuesday as four topless women attacked him with shouts and curses and doused him with water.
It’s not the first time the bishop has been attacked for standing up for the Church’s teachings on homosexuality and expressing his concern for those who live the homosexual lifestyle…
The women doused the archbishop with water from bottles formed in the image of the Virgin Mary…
For most of the attack, which lasted a number of minutes before the women could be forced off stage, Archbishop Leonard sat drenched with water with eyes closed in prayer.  After the ordeal, the archbishop kissed the image of the Virgin Mary on one of the water bottles that was used in the attack…
According to FEMEN, Tuesday’s attack was spurred by an interview three weeks ago where Archbishop Leonard said that when speaking to Christians who are inclined to homosexuality he suggests celibacy, as is required for all single persons.

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