Thursday 20 June 2013

Immigration Troubles, What is Your Situation?

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Reader Letter:
I saw your post on Nigerians in Diaspora on Illegal immigrants in the UK. That beams my thought to a good friend i met recently online through a friend of mine in the UK.

The lady is a Nigerian and have been living in the UK for good 12 years, but has been stranded there since because she entered into d UK through a fake name. Things haven't been well with her since then as she moves in hiding from one place to the other.
What can she possibly do to make things right and legal and live a free and comfortable life? Your dire and immediate response will be highly appreciated.
Search Nigeria Advice:
There are a lot of things they can do to become legal and stop hiding, but it must start from making themselves known to the UK Authorities. You may be surprised by this, but your friend is one of the thousands of people who live in the UK without a face and are not only exploited by rogue employers, but unaccounted for by the Authorities. Benefiting from locally available facilities would have been a problem for some time and it should be ended by making themselves know to the authorities even if they would do it without disclosing their real address initially. Just how to do this will depend on what more information we do not have at the time of writing this piece.
Speaking to a Solicitor will help greatly, but they must have money to spend. They should speak to a friend and friend of a friend whom they trust and get in touch with a solicitor who is able to provide them with a comprehensive list of the possible ways to become a legal resident of the UK. It must also be said that this sort of case is not new, but your friend must do everything to stop living illegally.
On a slightly different note, living in the UK for that long must mean that your friend would have saved up some money and coming back to Nigeria must be one of the alternatives she now need to consider.
A lot of people will tell you how bad it is to live in Nigeria today. However, I could also show you a lot of people who know that it may be difficult to live in Nigeria today, but there is a way out for people who are determined to succeed. The perspective of your friend should be different and they must have a bit of money they could start with if they retuned.  Your friend would have been exposed to a different way of life enough to be above the rest when they return to Nigeria.  Their chances of getting a job is better and they could start a business.  An online business is the way to go and she would help to make Nigeria a better place to live in.
Get the person to send an email to and we'll offer a more personal advice to them. 
Please share your own situation with us and we'll do our best to provide an answer that will benefit all our readers.

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