Monday 24 June 2013

I was once a “christian” till I realized christianity is slavery!

I was once a “christian” till I realized christianity is slavery (mental slavery)! And what is slavery? Slavery is defined as “excessive dependence on or devotion to something”, now that’s typically what christianity, islam, and all other (foreign) religion is really about to the African people.

Christianity is Slavery. The Role of Christianity in African Slavery.
Christianity is slavery, inferiority, division, racism, ignorance, hatred, and whatnot. The negativity of christianity outweighs the positivity.
Christianity is nothing but slavery. I was once a ‘christian’, basically since it was the religion my parents shallowly practice; and this is the case with many African christian youths of today whom are still trapped in their parents biggest mistake – afraid to speak up and question all the religious myths, superstitions, and fairy tales they were taught to believe and confide in since a child. That nonsense ends in this generation!
Listen up African youths! Our parents taught us all from our adolescent ages to be ignorant and not question things that are superstitious or in other words, “sacred” according to foreign religions and their unrealistic holy books.
How many African parents of today or yesterday can truthfully boast they taught their children about their true Afrikan history, traditions, culture and also how the white men invaded our land, enslaved and tortured our people, etc? Rather, all they did was force unrealistic religious beliefs created by oppressors and colonial thieves upon their children as if that is the most important thing in life.
Ignorant parents create ignorant children, and those children will grow passionately in such ignorance to adult/parent stage and pass the ignorance to the next generation. Now, how can we be great with such ignorance blinding and hindering our vision?
What is wrong in challenging or exposing that which is unrealistic? What is wrong in refusing to accept, embrace, or worship someone who reportedly according to the fairy tale bible; murders and torture people who he ‘supposedly’ created himself (in his own likeness)?
[Ever wondered if some god reportedly created something/someone visible such as humans in his own likeness, then how come he himself or itself is invisible?]
Africans and slavery to christianity
Africans and slavery to christianity and their white messiahs.
The fairytale bible that many of you confide in – in the “Noah and the ark” story, told you how the evil foreign god you worship today reportedly murdered everyone on the face of earth with heavy flood except for noah, his family, and livestocks; is that not enough to help you reason that such imaginary god is evil, false, and the impossibility of such incident actually happening in real life?
If a real human being in this 21st century go on a killing spree murdering people state to state for any reason whatsoever; would you worship and praise such person? If not, then why worship an imaginary god who reportedly murdered an uncountable number of people according to the fairytale bible? Not to mention other atrocities such as endorsing slavery, rape, etc.
African youths are you capable or incapable of reasoning at all times without restrictions? Despite all the wars, deaths, hatred, division, and ongoing killings brought upon your people due to christianity and islam; you still continue to submit your souls to such destructive religions? Is that not stupidity (unintelligence, lack of reasoning, ignorance, foolishness)?
Like I said, such religious nonsense ends in this present generation. If you are yet to read the book “Religions Exposed – Exposing the bible, quran, christianity, islam, their holy-men & their gods“; you remain in dark ages.

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