Friday 12 July 2013

What Is Slavery?

In the history of mankind, slavery has been very common. Slavery can trace its history back in the ancient times. In the ancient times, slaves were sold to the highest bidder and they were employed without any compensation. Punishments were so savage for those slaves who went against their master's demands. Over the centuries, slavery has been very prominent. There was a time in history were Black Africans and Black Americans became domestic slaves at home. However, they were able to achieve their freedom against slavery. Nowadays, slavery is still commonly practiced in some countries. It is not completely abolished but it is less identifiable. It exists in many cultures.
What Is Slavery So, what is slavery? Slavery is a condition in which people are forced to work and treated like the lowest form of creature. There are different types of slavery. You have the chattel slavery. This is the most traditional type of slavery in which people are treated like property. Slaves are sold and bought like goods. However, in this modern age, this type of slavery is the least common. Another type of slavery is forced labor. This type of slavery is very common in the past and even up to these days. An individual is left with no choice but to work against his will. This type of slavery used punishments and violence against any slaves.
What Is Slavery Moving on, bonded labor is another type of what is slavery. This is the most common type of slavery these days. A person makes a pledge as to paying their loans. These loans' payment requirements may vary and the duration of payment is undefined. The problem in this situation is that debt bondage can be passed from one generation to the next. So, there is a high chance that your children and grandchildren will continue to pay the debts that you have incurred. In addition, human trafficking is also common nowadays. This is deemed as an illegal transaction in which humans are illegally trade to work as slaves. This is common in some Asian countries. An individual may be subject to sexual exploitation, forced labor and other form of slavery. It is essential to report to the authorities if this is a common practice in your areas.
What Is Slavery Finally, every individual must exercise equal rights regardless of race, culture and religion. It is high time that we educate ourselves against what is slavery. It is not totally eradicated. It just changes its form. So, for everyone, you should be vigilant in any occurrences within your community. Do something before slavery will be rampant again.

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