Thursday 11 July 2013

In The Hollow Of His Hands

1  I am safe, whatever may betide me;
I am safe who ever may deride me;
I am safe, as long as I confide me
In the hollow of God’s hand.

In the blessed hollow of his hand!
In the blessed hollow of his hand!
I am safe while God himself doth hold me
In the blessed hollow of his hand!

2  What tho’ fierce the stormy blasts roar round me;
What tho’ sore life’s trials oft confound me;
I am safe, for naught of ill can wound me
In the hollow of God’s hand. [Refrain]

3  Everlasting arms of love enfold me;
Words of peace the voice divine has told me;
I am safe, while God himself doth hold me
In the hollow of his hand. [Refrain]

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