Monday, 29 July 2013

4 Types of People Who Make Poor Entrepreneurs

Thinking about going to work for yourself? While entrepreneurship has many perks, like having no boss and working on projects you're more passionate about, some kinds of people are better working for someone else. Here are four examples:

People who hate risk. Going into business on your own is a risk that can be controlled by making smartly calculated decisions, but there will always be the danger of failure, and fear of failure can damage a new business. "Risk-averse individuals that take any level risk will often... be paralyzed by the stress of the day-to-day tidings of what's needed to grow a business.

People who love their lifestyle. Savvy owners of a new small business know that cutbacks in spending may be necessary, especially early on. "Your time, money, and resources must be committed to your essential lifestyle requirements and your business -- that's it," Gerber said. Examples of shrinking resources could include moving into a smaller apartment, delaying having children or even something as simple as cooking more instead of eating meals out. If you're not willing to make sacrifices, working for yourself may cause more pain than pleasure.

People who need a bi-weekly paycheck. People who can't live without their steady income may not thrive as entrepreneurs. "It may take months to earn your first paycheck," and that's if you're lucky, Gerber said. And even if you do get paid, it could come in spurts. "You may earn all of your annual income within two months out of the year and have to use spread out your payment disbursements to maintain your monthly cash flow needs."

People who enjoy taking direction. Some great employees make terrible entrepreneurs. A prime example is those folks who can execute someone else's vision perfectly, but lack their own ideas or self-starter attitude. "Even introverted founders need to be able to set the company's direction, develop a strategy and delegate responsibilities to employees or contractors," Gerber said.

The Tallest Bicycle In The World

It's hard to believe, but someone came up with the idea to build the world's tallest bike. And this one was the designer Richie Trimble. In the stories have already been attempts to build the longest or the most eco-friendly bike, but until now no one and had no idea. The unique 4.5-meter-long bike was designed specifically for the annual event CicLAvia VI, which constantly collects in Los Angeles, a lot of people, especially cycling enthusiasts.

The Tallest Bicycle In The World

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Why Do Women Have to Smile So Much to Be Liked?

We all read facial expressions and make subtle, or not so subtle, judgments about people based on what those expressions seem to convey. In general, a smile is warm and welcoming. Study after study has shown that people are drawn to someone who is smiling and less likely to approach someone with a relaxed or impassive look on their face.

This seems like an obvious fact and one that is likely routed in evolution. Historically a predator would probably not be smiling at you and a friendly person wasn’t likely to be bearing his teeth angrily. But the gender differences in this area are notable. Women tend to be questioned more often when they are not “putting on a happy face.”

In one study, gender neutral looking babies dressed in yellow and green were paraded in front of subjects who were then asked to identify the sex of each baby. Babies who were seen as smiling or cooing were identified as girls and the babies who were fussy or cried were tagged as boys. Women often report feeling compelled by social norms to smile more often then men do. A smiling face is associated more frequently with a feminine quality.

Yale psychology professor, Marianne LaFrance is the author of the book, Why Smile? The Science Behind Facial Expressions. Her book sites a number of studies, which explain why women seem to smile more often than men. One theory is that females tend to be more empathetic and expressive than males. Autopsies actually show that women have larger zygomaticus majors – or smile muscles. It is unclear if females are born this way or if they exercise those muscles so frequently over a lifetime that they simply grow larger.

More women tend to be in service-oriented positions that require friendly customer service. Women also tend to be the primary caretaker for children, a job that definitely benefits from a smiling face.

But stay at home dads tend to smile as frequently as stay at home moms do and when women are in positions of power they tend towards the surly affect that one might see in an alpha male, but unfortunately they often face harsh criticism for their lack of cheerfulness. A male with the same expression might be judged as confident and superior while a woman may acquire a less than flattering descriptor to explain her attitude.

Even though there are naturally occurring smiles, smiling in large part is a learned behavior. Females, even infant girls, learn this skill faster and more adeptly than males do. While there is nothing inherently wrong with smiling, the problem arises when we feel the need to do so despite what we are actually feeling. Taken in the extreme this can create a deep sense of cognitive dissonance and can even lead to symptoms of depression.

A healthy alternative would be to find the middle ground between the need to smile all the time in order to be liked, and an awareness and avoidance of defaulting into what some may call a nasty or mean expression. That would certainly be a more authentic way to interact with others. Paying attention to what your expression conveys, intentionally or otherwise is a valuable social skill to develop.

If you are male, what is your reaction to a woman who has a stern or impassive expression?

If you are female, do you find yourself smiling when you don’t mean it and if so, why?

Ecclesiastic Ego

The familiar proverb, "pride comes before the fall," is sadly realized in our world time and time again. Within our culture, there is a gross exaggeration of human accomplishments, accompanied by  a continual need for recognition of such feats. Repetitive praise about a job well done help to elevate the human ego and this does not always result in a balanced life of humility.

This behaviour is seen in the business world, the sports arena, the entertainment world and unfortunately, has even infiltrated into the church leadership community. Many leaders who have risen to lead large churches have fallen into the "God complex". An arrogance of who they are and who they have become allowing them to see themselves as infallible and have personally raised their self-worth to be above those they lead. God gave them the role to lead the church and adoration from their followers becomes an addiction. It can be challenging for those kinds of leaders, and for ourselves, to take the advice or wise counsel from those that can keep us accountable and on the road of humility.

When a leader operates from humility, the Lord gives authority to lead and from that authority comes power. Part of strong leadership is submitting our weakness; nothing is achievable without the Lord and our confidence comes from the covenant we have in Him. When leaders start to elevate their own self-worth by thinking that church growth or increased offerings are from personal accomplishments,  brokenness could soon follow. 

Humility shows up and grows up in serving. It is rooted in our identity with Christ, not our position within the church. Put simply, humility is about seeing yourself the way God sees you as a leader, and serving others the way God sees them and serves them. We are nothing without Christ and unless a leader recognizes Christ's lordship in their life, it can be easy for him or her to start believing that their leadership position is a result of their own abilities.

Monday, 15 July 2013

An expert look at why people cheat

Being cheated on: Many of us wonder and worry about it — and some of us have to work very hard to recover from this devastating experience. To help address your questions on all facets of this topic. Here, we share her wise advice on how lies and infidelity can threaten a relationship — and what to do if you find yourself navigating this rocky romantic territory.

Q: What is the main reason for cheating in relationships?

Dr. Gilda: There are many reasons why people cheat. Sometimes it’s what they saw in the house they grew up in. Sometimes all their buddies are doing the same thing. Sometimes it’s because cheaters don’t feel good about themselves and look for people who will make them feel better. Sometimes a cheater’s relationship is crashing and he or she doesn’t want to deal with that reality, so cheating gets used as a bandage. And sometimes a person is so self-centered and egocentric that all he (or she) can think of is me, me, me. So there are many different reasons why people cheat. Your objective (and all singles should do this) is to make sure that you size somebody up before you become deeply, emotionally involved. And when you do, if you see a pattern that existed in that person’s behavior in the past you’ll pretty much be able to predict the behavior that this person is going to demonstrate in the future.

Q: How do people deal with the guilt of cheating?
Somebody who cheats is looking for justification and rationalization more than anything else. So, he or she usually finds a way out in his or her own mind so that there isn’t any guilt. It’s often the person who’s cheated on who feels that he or she must have done something wrong to have caused it. My advice is to look more carefully at what’s going on before deciding to take the burden of blame onto yourself.

IAM A SIMPLE LEADER....................A KING.

In the last decade, leadership styles have gone through a metamorphosis. Today, organizations have higher expectations from their leader, looking for faster outcomes. The methodology for leadership is more complex; the way teams are led and how the vision is accomplished varies. Leadership has grown to be more elaborate and this new complexity has unfortunately been the demise of much clarity. Leading simply is the idea of pulling back to answer three basic questions: what are we doing, why are we doing it, and what is my role in all of this?

When a leader leads simply, he or she gives clarity for a chosen path to help others reach a desired vision. Action and outcome needs to be communicated in such a way that everyone involved knows their part for reaching the ultimate goal, and this communication is the leader's responsibility. Complexity is the enemy of clarity and the larger an organization grows, the greater the need for continued clearness. Leading simply by choice may alleviate confusion and provide greater focus for an entire team.

Leading simply requires you to work deep and wide.  Your influence should go deep to the needs and reach many with the redemptive work of the Kingdom. Leadership is about influencing people to grasp on to the vision, and that happens by leading simply and with focus. Invest in the team that will help to navigate through the vision by valuing their role.

A vision will require you to carve out a distinct culture that reflects the needs that only your gathering of Christ followers can meet; it sets your church apart. If you’re a leader, ask yourself, how are we as a church going to add value to the lives of the people we encounter every day? It isn’t about making everyone happy as they enter through your building doors, but instead, it is about bringing value to their lives. The influence of a strong leader requires not only a person who executes and champions the vision but also a leader who can take the time to invest in the conversations of those they lead. Opening the minds of those in their community and taking the time to not only hear but also to listen will help to further the vision. Understanding a church culture and refining the ability to truly listen to others is essential to simple leadership.

Let's examine one additional benefit from leading simply - power. Power comes from simplicity and a true leader will need to take time to refocus and remember why they are in their current leadership role. Every church can make a spiritual mark on its community, and a strong leader will be able to see where the church can make a difference. This is the environment where God has placed your church to serve, so within your position of leadership, can you identify how God is calling you reach others? This is a powerful position to be called to and it’s integral that a leader is able to refocus and realign him or herself with simplicity in leadership while navigating multiple opportunities for a congregation.

In the Quietness the Lord speaks the Loudest

As a leader, listen to how God is speaking to you and explore what He might be calling you to this upcoming year. What are three things you can do to step further into where God is calling you to lead deeply and wider? What are the risks you're willing to take to give up your plans and be prepared for whatever He has in mind for His church?

Stripping away the complexities of leadership and slowing the pace will require patience, maybe even long suffering as the answers are not revealed quickly. On a regular basis it is essential for a leader to look back to the initial question of "What are we doing?" and "Why are we doing it?" and just as important, "Where do I fit in?"  Everyone needs to have a game plan and know their place on the playing field. It keeps focus, clarity and the end goal should always be in site. Three simple questions can keep a leader focused in almost every scenario.

Growth will require a leader to return to simplicity. Leading simply will calm the chaos, streamline the what, where, why and how we lead and perhaps reap a harvest of changed lives for the Kingdom

Friday, 12 July 2013

15 Cancer Symptoms Women Ignore

Women tend to be more vigilant than men about getting recommended health checkups and cancer screenings, according to studies and experts.
They're generally more willing, as well, to get potentially worrisome symptoms checked out, says Mary Daly, MD, oncologist and head of the department of clinical genetics at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.
But not always. Younger women, for instance, tend to ignore symptoms that could point to cancer. "They have this notion that cancer is a problem of older people," Daly tells WebMD. And they're often right, but plenty of young people get cancer, too.

No. 1: Unexplained Weight Loss

Many women would be delighted to lose weight without trying. But unexplained weight loss -- say 10 pounds in a month without an increase in exercise or a decrease in food intake -- should be checked out, Mishori says.
"Unexplained weight loss is cancer unless proven not," she says. It could, of course, turn out to be another condition, such as an overactive thyroid.
Expect your doctor to run tests to check the thyroid and perhaps order a CT scan of different organs. The doctor needs to "rule out the possibilities, one by one," Mishori says.

No. 2: Bloating

Bloating is so common that many women just live with it. But it could point to ovarian cancer. Other symptoms of ovarian cancer include abdominal pain or pelvic pain, feeling full quickly -- even when you haven't eaten much -- and urinary problems, such as having an urgent need to go to the bathroom.
If the bloating occurs almost every day and persists for more than a few weeks, you should consult your physician. Expect your doctor to take a careful history and order a CT scan and blood tests, among others.

Health Solutions

Workplace Humiliation Questions

Workplace humiliation can occur in a variety of ways. An employer could insult or embarrass an employee in front of other employees, or a co-worker could made rude or humiliating remarks towards another employee, making working conditions less that comfortable. Regardless of the events leading up to it, being humiliated at work can lead to legal issues. You want to know your rights and what to expect if you seek legal compensation. The Employment Law Experts can answer many questions related to workplace humiliation and can help you with any questions that you may have. Take a look at five of the top workplace humiliation questions answered by the Experts.

Is verbal abuse and public humiliation acceptable disciplinary action by an employer?

There are two ways that an employee can protect themselves from an abusive employer. The first way would be if you have a contract with your employer that specifically states that the employer cannot react or discipline you in certain ways, such as verbal or workplace humiliation. The second way would be for you to prove that your employer is abusive towards you based on your age, race, gender, religion, or disability. If your employer is discriminating against you based on the second example, you have grounds to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

Once you file your complaint, the EEOC will investigate your claim and determine if there has been a violation made by your employer. If they find a violation committed by your employer, you can then go to court and sue. If your employer has broken the terms of your
employment contract, you would be able to take them to court and sue for breach of contract. However, if there are no violations, you are considered an At Will employee which means that your employer can treat you however they wish (if done without violating any rules for a protected class; age, race, gender, religion, or disability). The employer can also choose to demote or fire you without cause.

If an employer humiliates an employee with sexual remarks, would that be considered sexual harassment?

If an employer makes sexual remarks directed at an employee, this is considered sexual harassment. If your supervisor is exhibiting this type of behavior, you should report the situation to your HR department and the Department of Labor. If you wish to sue your employer for sexual harassment, you should include workplace humiliation as part of your claim. Usually, a company will discipline or terminate a supervisor for sexual harassment; however every company has its own set of policies and protocol for handling individual situations.

If you find yourself in a sticky situation that requires a legal perspective, ask the Experts. The Experts handle a wide variety of workplace humiliation questions and are ready to provide you with a solution to your individual problem. The thousands of Employment Law Experts can answer your legal questions in a fast and knowledgeable manner.

The Court of Appeal in Lagos has discharged and acquitted Hamza Al-Mustapha from the murder of Kudirat Abiola.


The judgment overturns that of the Lagos High Court which sentenced both men to death by hanging.
The presiding judge accused the lower court of being “stroked to secure a conviction by all means.” Mr. Al-Mustapha was a former chief security officer to the late dictator, Sani Abacha.
He was sentenced to death on January 30 for conspiracy and murder of Mrs. Abiola. Mrs. Abiola, 45, was shot in Lagos on June 4, 1996, as the lower court ruled, on the orders of Mr. Al-Mustapha.

What Is Slavery?

In the history of mankind, slavery has been very common. Slavery can trace its history back in the ancient times. In the ancient times, slaves were sold to the highest bidder and they were employed without any compensation. Punishments were so savage for those slaves who went against their master's demands. Over the centuries, slavery has been very prominent. There was a time in history were Black Africans and Black Americans became domestic slaves at home. However, they were able to achieve their freedom against slavery. Nowadays, slavery is still commonly practiced in some countries. It is not completely abolished but it is less identifiable. It exists in many cultures.
What Is Slavery So, what is slavery? Slavery is a condition in which people are forced to work and treated like the lowest form of creature. There are different types of slavery. You have the chattel slavery. This is the most traditional type of slavery in which people are treated like property. Slaves are sold and bought like goods. However, in this modern age, this type of slavery is the least common. Another type of slavery is forced labor. This type of slavery is very common in the past and even up to these days. An individual is left with no choice but to work against his will. This type of slavery used punishments and violence against any slaves.
What Is Slavery Moving on, bonded labor is another type of what is slavery. This is the most common type of slavery these days. A person makes a pledge as to paying their loans. These loans' payment requirements may vary and the duration of payment is undefined. The problem in this situation is that debt bondage can be passed from one generation to the next. So, there is a high chance that your children and grandchildren will continue to pay the debts that you have incurred. In addition, human trafficking is also common nowadays. This is deemed as an illegal transaction in which humans are illegally trade to work as slaves. This is common in some Asian countries. An individual may be subject to sexual exploitation, forced labor and other form of slavery. It is essential to report to the authorities if this is a common practice in your areas.
What Is Slavery Finally, every individual must exercise equal rights regardless of race, culture and religion. It is high time that we educate ourselves against what is slavery. It is not totally eradicated. It just changes its form. So, for everyone, you should be vigilant in any occurrences within your community. Do something before slavery will be rampant again.

Living for eternity?

About two weeks ago, I couldn’t sleep so spent the time lying in bed listening to Christian songs. A lot of times when I have insomnia, I get messages from God and insights into Christianity. In fact, quite a lot of the material for this blog comes from times when I’m lying in bed, unable to sleep.
During one recent night of insomnia, a thought from God suddenly popped into my head. God said to me – “You don’t live for eternity”. Immediately, I realised it was true. I am very focused on my earthly life in the present moment. My focus is usually on how I can best enjoy myself in the present moment, and the bad thing about this is that sometimes I thus neglect future consequences of present actions. I was convicted by God telling me that I don’t live for eternity. So I started meditating on this thought – how would my life be different if I was living for eternity? How would my life be different if I really believed that I was going to spend eternity in heaven and I lived my life according to a desire to earn heavenly rewards instead of earthly ones?
Immediately, I was convicted that I don’t give enough. This verse popped into my head -
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:19-21)
I got laid off in December 2012 and for the past three months I haven’t had an income. So I stopped giving to church and charities. This verse from Matthew convicted me that I should start giving again, that I shouldn’t spend money just on earthly needs and pleasures, but to continue to give to the church and the poor, so as to store treasures for myself in heaven. I realized that what I buy for myself only gives me temporary satisfaction in this life, but what I give to others brings me rewards in heaven for eternity.
I also realized how important it is to live for eternity. One thing I always feel is about how quickly time passes. I’m turning 40 next year and I can’t believe how quickly those years have passed, especially the last 20 years. It seems only last year since I graduated from college, life seems to have zipped by in a flash. This brought home to me the danger of living for this world. Life is fleeting and will be over before you know it. James 4:14 says – “You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”
If you’re only living for this life, it’s a very fast and short term pleasure. But if you live for eternity, it’s a long term investment that will last forever.
Living for eternity will also change your perspective on suffering. In 2 Corinthians 4:17, it says – “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” When you believe this truth, it will transform your attitude towards suffering. Instead of resisting suffering, getting frustrated or depressed about your troubles, you rejoice in the fact that your trials are bringing you eternal glory.
James 1:12 says – “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
Our troubles will bring us a heavenly crown. Knowing this truth will empower us to rejoice in suffering.
In Hebrews 12:2, the writer tells us that Jesus – “for the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
We should follow Christ’s example and bear our crosses in life patiently and fix our eyes on our victory in heaven.
One thing which God convicted me of was my habit of living life for earthly, temporary pleasures. I struggle with eating a healthy diet and often indulge in fatty, sweet foods. As a result, I am overweight. God convicted me that I should not indulge in temporary pleasures at the expense of long term consequences, to not indulge in the flesh’s unhealthy cravings.
Colossians 3:2 tells us to “set your on things above, not on earthly things.”
I also realized that I shouldn’t focus just on earthly success. I’ve been working on a Christian book and one thing which I’ve focused on is how to make the book a bestseller. But God was telling me to work on the book just as a means to glorify Him. Even if the book sold only 1 copy, I shouldn’t be discouraged because I would still have my reward in heaven for working on the book, since God had called me to work on the book and it was part of His will for me.
Matthew 19:30 tells us that in heaven, “many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.” Maybe you feel you are of low status or have a job that’s mundane and unglamorous. I’d encourage you to work at your job with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for earthly rewards. God sees your dedication to Him and you’ll receive high praise from Him when you go to heaven.

Hwee Hwee Tan's Christian Insights

Thursday, 11 July 2013

What is faith?

To have faith is to “hope for things which are not seen, which are true” (see Book of Mormon, Alma 32:21 and Hebrews 11:1). Each day you act upon things you hope for, even before you see the end result. This is similar to faith.
Faith in God is more than a theoretical belief in Him. To have faith in God is to trust Him, to have confidence in Him, and to be willing to act on your belief in Him. It is a principle of action and power.
The Book of Mormon prophet Alma compared faith to a seed. If you plant a seed and nourish it, if it is a good seed it will grow and eventually bear fruit (Alma 32:28-43). It is the same with faith. If you are obedient to God’s commandments, study His word, and have a desire to believe in Christ, faith will grow inside of you.

To me, Faith is a belief, a belief that causes action. Faith is greater than hope, it is greater than a belief, it is greater than a truth. It is a hope a belief and a truth, that causes you to act. For example to have faith in Jesus Christ, is to believe in Him, to know he was the true son of God, to hope you can be saved through Him, AND to follow and live his teachings. To act of your belief. As Alma portrays in Alma 32, as you begin to act, your seed will grow into a tree. Or in other words as you act on your beliefs, they will grow into a faith. 


In 1983, Bamanga Tukur was the
Governor of the defunct Gongola
State (now Adamawa & Taraba) and 30 years
later, he is today the
Chairman of the ruling Party, The PDP;
Dr. Bello Halliru was commissioner in the Old
Sokoto State (now Sokoto, Kebbi & Zamfara) and
33 years after he is today Minister of Defence;
Major General David Mark(rtd) was the military
governor of Niger State in 1984 and 28years
later he is today the Senate President; Gov.
Murtala Nyako was the governor of Niger State
in 1976 and 36years later he is today the
Governor of Adamawa State; Ogbonnaya Onu
was governor of
Abia State in 1992 and 20years after he is today
the National Chairman of ANPP; Gov. David
Jonah Jang was the governor of Benue State in
1985 and 27years after he is today the governor
of plateau state; and Martins Elechi the Ebonyi
State Governor is over 80 years old! Only in
Nigeria is this possible, where the youth of
today have no hope into the future! Where do
we go from here?
People Deceive People (PDP), 1985, IBB was the
president of Nigeria and our teachers told us
that Buhari was the former Head of state..Our
teacher also called us "the leaders of
tomorrow".. 27years later, IBB and Buhari are
still contesting for Presidency..Its either our
teacher lied to us about being the leaders of
tomorrow..Or tomorrow is yet to come.. Who's
fooling who?
Some of us ran out of the country,Obasanjo
went abroad chasing them,telling all nations to
deport Nigerian youths.
Let's stand and fight for our right because we are
the leaders of Today... Please let all youth come to
an alliance and fight for the unborn. We can't
continue like this.
Pass it to everyone if you believe in the NIGERIA

₦airaland Forum

Sky Habitat - A Luxury Residential Complex

 Sky Habitat - A Luxury Residential Complex In Singapore

Swimmers braving a length of this pool will need a real head for heights - seeing as it's a staggering 38 storeys high.

The infinity pool will dramatically connect Sky Habitat Singapore's two towers once the ambitious project is completed in 2016.

With 509 apartments, the Moshe Safdie-designed development in the central island suburb of Bishan will offer residents stunning vistas across the area.

Flat owners will also be able to traverse the two structures via sky bridges on the 14th and 26th floors. Wong Heang Fine, CEO of CapitaLand Residential Singapore which is developing the site, said: 'With Sky Habitat, we are creating a habitat for the future; a condominium that is also a house.


In The Hollow Of His Hands

1  I am safe, whatever may betide me;
I am safe who ever may deride me;
I am safe, as long as I confide me
In the hollow of God’s hand.

In the blessed hollow of his hand!
In the blessed hollow of his hand!
I am safe while God himself doth hold me
In the blessed hollow of his hand!

2  What tho’ fierce the stormy blasts roar round me;
What tho’ sore life’s trials oft confound me;
I am safe, for naught of ill can wound me
In the hollow of God’s hand. [Refrain]

3  Everlasting arms of love enfold me;
Words of peace the voice divine has told me;
I am safe, while God himself doth hold me
In the hollow of his hand. [Refrain]

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Herbal Remedies for Sore Throat


 You know the feeling: A dry itch. Or a scratchy soreness. Whatever the effect, sore throats can range from a mild irritant to a very painful situation.
A sore throat can accompany a cold or flu, or it can be the result of overuse of the voice or irritants such as cigarette smoke. No matter what its cause, a number of simple herbal remedies exist that may help ease the discomfort of a sore throat.

Herbal Remedies for Sore Throat

Herbs can reduce pain and inflammation, provide temporary relief, and help heal raw throat tissues. Typical immune boosters such as echinacea and goldenseal or Oregon grape root are good to take when you have a sore throat that is caused by a cold or flu.
Garlic can also be helpful when battling illiness because it will fight off offending bacteria or viruses. Try adding it raw to your salad and other dishes.
Mucilaginous herbs can ease any sore throat. Marshmallow and slippery elm do a great job. Gargling with astringent herbs will alleviate discomfort. Raspberry or blackberry leaves along with elder flowers are good for this purpose. Combine them with marshmallow and licorice for a soothing effect.
Cayenne pepper, believe it or not, helps to stop pain, so add it to your gargling mixture. It is crucial to gargle all these herbs before swallowing them.
Whatever remedy you pick, herbal options can help soothe and heal a sore throat, whether it is the result of a cold, voice overuse or another affliction.



When, on the saturday morning of October 1, 1960, the new Nigerian flag of green-white-green was raised in place of the “Union jack flag”, there were many hopes in the air. As the new Nigerian flag was being raised, Nigerians have a new sense of belonging, and a high hope of a better future. Subsequent events since that Saturday morning will however prove them wrong.
We are 52years today, yet we were never at ease. Corruption, mismanagement, maladministration and poor governance structure coupled with a citizenry with a vague picture of
what patriotism is or should be, stares and hits us hard on the face. Its scary, yet true that this is a nation run on auto-pilot, one for which after 52yrs, we are still plagued largely by the same problems.
From one of the richest and most promising 50 countries in the late1960s and early 1970s, Nigeria is today among the 20 countries in the world with the widest gap between the rich and the poor. The nation has gradually declined in fortunes for its people to become among the poorest in the world. As one of the world’s top 10 crude oil producers, Nigeria currently fares very poorly in all development indices. Average annual percentage
growth of GDP from 1990 -2000 was 2.4. The Gross National Income, GNI, per capita is less than US $260; under-five mortality rate per 1,000 live births is 153; average maternal mortality ratio
per 100,000 live births is 545; and life expectancy at birth is 48 years for males and 49 years for females.
First, corruption has been a bane to our development. How can we develop when more 95 percent of our national income will always find its way up into the “looters’ pockets”?. Successive administrations has come and gone with various promises, which ultimately fails, and most times leads into more problems. The various business organisations in Nigeria are well used to getting involved in questionable “sharp business practices”. Little wonder Nigerians are asked to recharge with #200 to win an aeroplane. Absurd!
Moreso, the state of security has been on a very sharp decline, especially with the recent activities of the Boko Haram sect. Yet, the government appears helpless as to how this situation should or will be solved. The health and education sectors has been “well funded” with no result. Our leaders finds it easier to treat ordinary malaria at a clinic abroad rather than getting treated at a Teaching hospital in Nigeria.
We have been living with the delusion that since we have been able to survive up till this point, we will continue to survive. This is fallacious!. We are in a state of decline, or rather call it “coma”. If urgent steps are not taken, we might lose this privilege of celebrating another independence anniversary. Both the government and citizens therefore have roles to play. Everyone should ensure that corruption is flushed out, then Nigeria will surely be on her feet again.