Thursday 22 August 2013

Walnut benefits to your health. Eating benefits of Walnut.

Walnut trees have been cultivated for thousands of years in different parts of the worls and have many types from varying origins. The walnut tree originated in India and Caspian Sea regions, while North Americans cultivate black and white walnuts in recent times. At present, China is the largest commercial producer of walnuts in the world.
In Oriental and Chinese medicines, these are used for treating frequent urination, constipation, knee pains, cough, and asthma in the form of internal use. Walnuts are also used in external application medicines for problems like hair loss, acne treatment, and dandruff and skin inflammations. It is also used in as an ingredient in variety of foods and other medicine.
Walnuts have plenty of monounsaturated fats and maximum of this is oleic acid, which is Omega-3 and Omega 9 fatty acid helpful in keeping heart healthy. The ratio of omega 3 in walnuts is much more then in any other available nuts. The function of Omega-3 in our body is to prevent arteries from blockage, keeps them soft and flexible and increases blood flow to heart and body. Its oil is useful in avoiding a joint disease called arthritis and has been used commonly. Due to the available fatty acids and anti oxidants, the risk of breast cancer development is much reduced.
Walnuts are an important resource for getting antioxidants especially Ellagic acid which are found in kernels. Ellagic acid helps in defeating that dangerous substance in our body which causes cancer. It also prevents the production of cancerous cells. In addition of the antioxidant activity, the plenty of polyphenols support the immune system.
Walnuts are great reservoir of nutrients including protein, vitamin E, Vitamins B and fiber. As a source of dietary fiber, walnuts maintain digestive system and protein helps in building muscles. Walnuts also have many minerals just like all other nuts too have these in different ratios. These minerals include manganese, copper, phosphorous, zinc, calcium and Iron. Walnuts protects against memory loss.
Magnesium has an important role in muscle contraction and relaxation and energy production. Phosphorus boosts kidneys function and controls regular heartbeat. Potassium is also needed in building up the muscle. Zinc is needed by immune system and copper manages nerve and immune system and keeps bones healthy. Manganese regulates blood-sugar level and Selenium prevents cell damaging.
Researcher and doctors recommended adding walnuts into our daily diet to help avoid breast cancer.  Eating walnuts regularly helps improving heart health and maintains sexual vitality in men. Walnuts are helpful in reducing bad cholesterol levels.
Walnut oil when mixed with olive oil provides a good solution for healthy, shiny hairs. Almonds are also very good for keeping skin freshness alive because the presence of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, E and niacin keeps skin away from radicals; hence slowing down the aging process in skin and body.

1 comment:

  1. People say that if you have poor memory then eat walnuts every day. It will help you increase your memory power. Thanks for sharing the information about this dried fruit.

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