Tuesday 20 August 2013

Quail Egg & Health Benefits

 Quail Bird

British researchers say that eggs should be pronounced a super-food, as it has a very good impact on our health and even helps to fight obesity. According to nutritionists the egg as food is one of the richest in good in essential ingredients and we all should consume at least one a day. The Nutrition and Food Science magazine has published an article in which researchers emphasize the egg’s important role in general health protection as well as loosing and maintaining body weight.
Dr Carrie Ruxton, the leader of the study analyzed data from not less than 71 previous studies with her colleagues. The research aimed at the nutrient content of the eggs and their role in human diet. It turned out that while eggs are poor in calories, they’re rich in protein and full of essential nutrients important to health, such as vitamin D and B12, selenium and choline.

Eggs are rich in antioxidants
The investigations also confirmed that between other protein-containing foods the eggs contain the richest variety and mixture of amino acids that are indispensable for the healthy growth and development of children, adolescents and young adults.
In addition, the high levels of antioxidants in the egg help preventing the age-related macular degeneration (macular degeneration), which is the leading cause of blindness in developed countries.

The eggs are rich in vitamin D
The research shows that children, teenagers and the elderly, as well as consumers of a lot of meat and people who don’t drink milk would gain the most benefit from eating eggs. The study’s one of the key discovery was that eggs are a very important source of vitamin D, and their consumption can significantly increase your daily intake of this very important vitamin. An egg contains more than 20 percent of the recommended daily intake so if you eat two a day you're half covered.
The low vitamin D levels are linked to many diseases: including osteoporosis, cancer of the heart disease, the sclerosis multiplex, and certain immunal illnesses and even mental disorders.

If it’s an Egg, it’s got to be a Quail Egg
Quail eggs are proved to be a very valuable source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and vitamin D, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, phosphorus and other essential micro-nutrients, minerals and amino acids, which is why they are recommended for regular consumption.
To eat quail eggs as part of a healthy diet it is recommended to cons ume them raw. A lot of the people don’t like the idea but to make the taste more pleasant you can mix it in orange or tomato juice. In order to strengthen the immune system and improve the blood quality a course of 60 eggs is recommended. Initially 3, then 5 eggs a day should be consumed. Obviously no one is suggesting that quail eggs are any kind of a wonder-medicine and will cure serious illnesses like cancer or similar, but their positive effect on human body has been proven.
Quail eggs are considered to be one of the best known natural treatment products. Chinese medical practitioners have been using quail eggs as a treatment for hundreds of years with brilliant results. As quail eggs are slowly becoming an easy to get product on the market more and more people are beginning to show interest in their use as an active natural medicine instead of the chemical products with so many side effects.
Experts in natural treatment methods claim that quail eggs have positive effects on people with stress problems, hypertension, digestive disturbance, gastric ulcer, liver problems, blood pressure and lipid control, migraine, asthma, anemia, various types of allergies, eczema, heart problems, bronchitises illnesses, depression, panic and anxiety illnesses. Quail eggs are also known to stimulate growth, increase sexual appetite, stimulate brain functions which improves intelligence quotient and generally rejuvenates the body.

Boosts your Body, Libido and Brain Power

It is no wonder that quail eggs are a common staple in Asian diets. As an enriched source of choline and omega-3 fatty acids, nutritionists recognize the benefits of quail eggs in promoting good memory, enhancing brain activity and regulating the nervous system. Body builders recognize the advantages of quail eggs over chicken eggs as a high protein food without the carbohydrates and bad HDL cholesterol. Now add its phosphorus and Vitamin B, D & E for testosterone, and men have a 100% natural aphrodisiac that does not compromise weight maintenance.


To eat quail eggs as part of a healthy diet it is recommended to consume them raw. A lot of the people don’t like the idea but to make the taste more pleasant you can mix it in orange or tomato juice. In order to strengthen the immune system and improve the blood quality a course of 60 eggs is recommended. Initially 3, then 5 eggs a day should be consumed. Obviously no one is suggesting that quail eggs are any kind of a wonder-medicine and will cure serious illnesses like cancer or similar, but their positive effect on human body has been proven.

1 comment:

  1. its a nice one to take , very healthy and good to almost every sickness do try it brethen
