Friday 7 February 2014

HEALTHY LIVING | 5-2-1-0-0: This code can help you avoid a heart attack

The Heart Care Service is a special medical facility that delivers a wide range of effective and quality cardiovascular diagnostic examinations, including the latest 2D echocardiogram machine. Photo courtesy of Manila Doctors Hospital.

Take action now. Reduce heart diseases by 25 percent in 2025. According to Dr. Reyes, rust remember the code: 5-2-1-0-0.
This daily 5-2-1-0-0 strategy is simple enough to follow:
• FIVE servings of vegetable and fruits
• Maximum of TWO hours of screen (computer/video) time
• ONE hour of moderate physical activity
• ZERO soda or sugar-sweetened drinks
• ZERO smoking.
To make the 5-2-1-0-0 code, Dr. Reyes adds that you must do the numbers. Make it a daily routine among family members, relatives, and friends. Take on the challenge as it will add healthier years to your life. It may be difficult at first and may seem like an ambitious target, but it can be done.
Parents, especially mothers, hold the key to a healthy heart. Following the fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle is just the same as adhering to house rules and its other do’s and don’ts.

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