Friday 7 February 2014

Erectile Problems Caused By an Enlarged Prostate





Erectile dysfunction (ED), formerly known as impotence, is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to engage in sexual intercourse.

As you age and grow, so too does your prostate. It’s one of few organs in the body that grows with age. As it enlarges, the nerves and blood vessels become impinged, inflating the prostate. When the prostate experiences constriction to the nerves and blood vessels, the organ cannot release urine flow properly. Instead, the prostate acts as a constricted garden hose: building pressure while being unable to exude the urine fast enough to impede urinary tract problems.

What's worse, prostate enlargement can lead to erectile disorders. According to a recent research study, scientists found a strong correlation between the two conditions. According to the study, 50 percent of all men surveyed with prostate enlargement reported impaired erectile function while 10 percent of those men were unable to get an erection at all. Those figures rose to 67 percent and 16 percent, respectively, in men with moderate BPH symptoms, while 82 percent of men with severe symptoms reported impaired erection function and 18 percent of those men reported complete impotence. [1]

Natural Solution
Think of prostate as a miniature-sized stress ball. The more you squeeze and apply pressure to it, the weaker it becomes. A weakened, inflamed prostate can result in testicular pain, premature ejaculation, urinary problems and yes, erectile dysfunction. Men who experience an enlarged prostate need two key chemicals present in their bodies: balanced DHT levels to lower prostate enlargement and a stable production of nitric oxide to maintain a healthy erection.

Thanks to all-natural alternatives, such as many powerful herbs from Botanical Prostate Rejuvenation & Detox For Erectile Problems, can balance the DHT buildup while sustain sufficient nitric oxide levels to prevent erectile dysfunction.

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