Thursday 10 October 2013

Foods everyone over 40 should eat


Top grain: Oats help reduce cholesterol
Top grain: Oats help reduce cholesterol
WHY? Oats contain beta-glucans, a soluble fibre that can help lower the unwanted form of cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Avenanthramides – antioxidants unique to oats – protect against atherosclerosis (the build-up of plaque on artery walls), so giving oats an advantage over other grains.
THE EVIDENCE: Researchers conclude that eating just 3g of oats daily is enough to reduce total cholesterol by five to ten per cent.
It is estimated that the risk of developing heart disease drops by two per cent for every one per cent reduction in total cholesterol.
This is a must for the 50-plus group, as it is in this decade that heart-disease risk shoots up.
HOW TO EAT: Either as porridge or by adding a heaped tablespoon to plain yogurt.


WHY? Cherries are useful in combating several conditions common in middle age, including gout and arthritis. They are a rich source of the antioxidant anthocyanin.
THE EVIDENCE: Gout, which affects mainly men, is linked to raised levels of uric acid, forming crystals within the small joints. In a trial, researchers gave healthy participants 200g of cherries at breakfast. They noted that the rate at which uric acid was excreted increased by 60 per cent.
HOW TO EAT: Eat a dozen cherries or drink a glass of unsweetened juice three or four times a week. Eat fresh with yogurt or seeds to ensure absorption of the beneficial vitamins.
Almonds benefit blood sugar levels
Cherries benefit over 40's
Wonder foods: Almonds could help stave off diabetes and cherries help combat gout and arthritis

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