Friday 25 October 2013

Anger: Its causes, disadvantages and management (part 2)

We, the humans are incomplete without emotions. We are discussing anger, one of the human's emotions. There are so many adages relating to anger. An angry person on their back are called fractious, ratty, irascible, ratty testy, cynical, peevish, bad tempered and many things more. Diplomacy and tactfulness is the demand of this changing times- not anger and irritabilities. Anger achieves nothing but loses everything.

With the gut feelings come changes. The simple acts of laughter, happiness, frustration, woes, pain, pleasure, stimulus, excitement are not that a simple but very complex acts bringing up chemical reactions inside the body and physical changes in their wake take place. As is the case with all feelings and emotions, anger also triggers chain of chemical reactions bringing devastating changes in our body.

When are angry, the pressure of blood on the vessels mounts up, the beating rate of heat speeds up, shortage of additional adrenaline hormones develops in the body. The person prone to anger is certain to be the victim of blood pressure and when once it sets in your body, it would only go when you would go (up above the sky?). And mind you, it doesn't come alone but is always accompanied with all its relatives which a horde of diseases the likes of which are heart diseases, diabetic, kidney etc.

What is anger?

Psychologists opine that just like other emotions, anger also is an emotional state of mind but is complex more than the others noticed to occurring among all- children to the adults. Sometimes circumstances and situations take such turns that compels us getting angry or sometimes anger comes due to some incidences occurred in our past or due to some occurrence to take place in future.

This phenomenon of anger happens more or less with everybody but the situation becomes serious when we cannot control the outpour of our anger. Therefore it's vitally important to control anger before the matter slips out of hands.

Anger hammers whom?

Upon one research conducted on anger, it has transpired that 1 out of 5 persons are struggling with complications because of not having control the anger. It also ha been observed that anger gives invitations to various disorders of the likes of headache, sleeplessness, indigestion heart diseases besides several mental vexes. The persons not succeeding in keeping anger under the leash become problematic for the family members and the society. Thus, ultimately, it recoils down on you harming you alone, not others.

Keep thus your anger under the leash

Experts suggest, to control anger, pay attention to your nature first. If anger comes in seconds over smaller things happening around you, don't try solving any problem in a hurry. Give yourself time to solve the problem. Try to delegate your work if the workload has become a burden. If you have started feeling boredom in your work you are doing, take leave, go out on some trip.

Take sometime for yourself too. Just give it a thought over how many times over angers come in during the whole day long and analyse the reasons of each of your angers that comes to you just not to let that particular reason overpower you triggering the anger. Fix a time for sleeping because; mind you, this is connected to the cause of your anger. Don't keep awake till late in night. Irritation occurs after an incomplete sleep, anger in such condition comes in on smaller things and grips on anger loosen up automatically. Whenever the bouts of anger attack, some chosen shortcuts could be adopted to apply brakes over it:-

  • Anger never lessens up by shouting at your family members, closing doors with a loud bang on somebody's face or throwing household accessories down noisily. Whenever anger makes you its victim, go in isolated corner facing the walls and squeeze out anger from your inside within to its last traces by shouting loudly. You will feel very light and better, believe me. This will also chase away the break of relationship with somebody going sour.
  • Pondering over the reason of the anger, the mental provocation should be lowered down through mutual discussions with the individual in question. This will provide you succour and you shall at least be at your peace at last.
  • Anger overpowers only when we consider ourselves weaker compared to the person in the front. It may be there is no reason at all of feeling like this, despite being so, a mountain gets created just out of a mole putting you in a hot soup. Close your mind for a minute and take long breathes. From this, you shall feel a great physical relief and mental peace.
  • Before reacting under the pressure of anger, counting from 1-10 is the best panacea to pour waters on the fire of anger to extinguish it. Analysing the situation while doing the counts brings the intensity of fever of anger down to a safe level. If the temperature of your anger doesn't slides down even after reaching the counts of10, go on counting further upwards.
  • It would be better not to solve a problem or settle a matter under the influence of anger. Make a little of physical movement or listen to a favourite song. When you cool off, ponder over the reasons of your anger.

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