Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Tips For Managing Your Attitude


“Men are disturbed not by things that happen, but by their own opinion of things that happen.” —Epictetus
How you view problems or situations can make a difference as to how much stress you feel. Here are some methods to change your attitude to better manage stress:
  • Stop blaming others for your problems. Accept responsibility for your actions.
  • Understand that the only person you can control is YOU.
  • If you can't do anything about something, work on forgetting it.
  • Laugh more often and learn to be playful and have fun. Laughter has a healing influence on you and the person you are caring for.
  • Develop a forgiving attitude toward yourself, the care-receiver and others. You are doing the best you can under the circumstances.
  • Write down your thoughts and inspirations or keep a journal.
  • Concentrate on your caregiving accomplishments rather than dwelling on your perceived shortcomings. Even if the care-receiver doesn't express his/her appreciation, pat yourself on the back daily to acknowledge your own strengths and achievements.
Thinking about our own needs might seem like a selfish idea. However, you are not super-human and you should acknowledge our limitations. It's OK to ask for help. You need to take care of yourself so you don't experience burnout.

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