Saturday 20 September 2014

Work Attitude and Benefits

Have you ever noticed that the employees with the most positive attitudes in the workplace have the most friends? People want to be around those who make them feel better about themselves. Employees with positive attitudes tend to be more productive employees because they always see the accompanying opportunity with every challenge. Things are seldom as bad as you think they are: Research shows that only eight percent of the things we worry about are worth being concerned about. People with positive work attitudes know this, therefore they do not waste time worrying, and they expend their energies on more positive activities. There are several benefits to having a positive work attitude, and many ways to cultivate a positive work attitude.


 Benefits of Having a Positive Work Attitude
  • Better for your mental health because you are better able to cope with stressful situations at work [link to Stressed Out on the Job? Relief is on the Way!].
  • Ability to inspire and motivate self and others.
  • Ability to turn every challenge into an opportunity, or make less than ideal situations into better ones.
  • Seen as role models and garner more respect.
  • Other employees around you will also adopt a positive work attitude making it easier for everyone to get along in the workplace.
  • Perceived as a leader and get more special projects to work on.
  • You expect positive outcomes and results, and you usually get them, resulting in more success at work.
  • Ability to stick to activities and see them through.
  • Resilience – ability to bounce back from setbacks.
  • Stronger immune system.
How to Cultivate a Positive Work Attitude
  • Take responsibility for your own life.
  • Prepare for the day’s activity at a reasonable pace.
  • Think about all the positive things you expect to accomplish during the day and always expect the best.
  • Smile and laugh often – it’s powerful and relaxes the whole body. Go to comedy clubs, take “laughter yoga” classes and read comic books.
  • Develop a habit of using only positive language.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Perform your work with passion and enthusiasm.
  • Always give thanks, acknowledge a job well done, and celebrate successes, even the small ones.
  • Look for the good in every bad/challenging situation.
  • Eat healthy.
Each week take a couple of items on the list to cultivate a positive work attitude and practice until they become second nature to you.

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