Drug Danger Alert
Drug Danger Alert
How Antacids And PPI’s Can Kill You
New Science Shows Hidden, Deadly Risk
Of Common Heartburn And Reflux Drugs
Dear Heartburn Sufferer,
If you take any over-the-counter drug for your acid reflux, heartburn, or GERD... including Prevacid and Prilosec,... this timely report directly affects you.
So take thirty seconds and read every word of this email. Carefully.
These commonly used drugs suffered a major setback last year (February 8, 2012) when the FDA warned that taking them can give you a dangerous condition known as “C-Diff”.
Now there is evidence
to show Prilosec, Prevacid, and other PPI’s (“Proton Pump Inhibitors”)
... or the other common group of drugs for reflux called “antacids”...
create another, potentially greater risk to your health.
See a video report (click here).
It seems antacids and PPI’s are literally starving your body of vital nutrients, and leading to all sorts of deadly health conditions. Some conditions that have been linked to these drugs:
- Dementia
- Irregular heartbeat
- Iron deficiency
- Pneumonia
- Fatigue
- Brittle bones
These drugs, and others, do provide temporary relief from the pain of acid reflux. But they do so by suppressing the acid in your digestive system.
The problem is, you need the acid for proper digestion.
How PPI’s and Antacids Are
Literally Starving Your Body

When you suppress the acid level in your stomach, foods are not properly digested.
The nutrients in your foods are no longer available to your body, robbing you of vital building blocks for good health, such as vitamin B12 and calcium.
Even though you may be eating a healthy diet, your body is not extracting the vitamins and minerals it needs from the food you consume.
Your stomach may be full, but your body is slowly starving to death.
Safer (And Cheaper) Remedies Available
The good news is you do not have to take these dangerous drugs ever again - and there is relief for your painful acid reflux, heartburn, and GERD.
Find out about safer (and cheaper) remedies that activate your body's own healing systems and restore the balance you've lost in your digestive tract.
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Source: Catholic online